Similar to autism evaluations, ADHD evaluations are most straightforward with children, especially boys. Evaluations in childhood have the benefits of ADHD criteria applying most directly to children, the availability of multiple reporters about their observations (such as parents and teachers), fewer life experiences to complicate the picture, and less opportunity to develop coping or masking skills. These evaluations can still be quite nuanced and complicated, but this is multiplied in evaluations of adults.
In the last several years, the amount of content online about ADHD has exploded, especially in contexts such as TikTok. This is positive in many ways, as it has helped decrease stigma and allowed many people to develop increased self-understanding. The difficult part of this information explosion is that the accuracy and quality of the information varies widely. Sometimes, very general and wide ranging behaviors or concerns are described as clear evidence of ADHD when this is not the case. In fact, a study in the Canadian Journal of Psychiatry in February 2022 found that about half of the most popular #ADHD content is misleading or inaccurate. This misinformation can shape an individual’s understanding of ADHD.
Another factor that can make ADHD evaluations challenging is the number of causes of difficulty with concentration. This is a hallmark symptom of ADHD, but other causes of poor concentration include the following:
· Other mental health concerns, like depression and anxiety
· Current or past trauma or extreme stress
· Sleep deprivation and sleep disorders
· Substance use and abuse
· Medication side effects
· Physical health concerns
Adults seeking ADHD evaluations almost always have at least one of these factors present.
A thorough ADHD evaluation requires an extensive and detailed understanding of the individual’s past and present circumstances, in order to determine if there are truly neurodevelopmental causes of the individual’s concerns. Very often, there are several contributors to difficulty with attention, especially in today’s fast paced and competitive environment, where so many of us are spread thin and trying to do too much.
Dr. Manning has undergone extensive training in the evaluation of ADHD in adults, with a focus on context and diversity variables. To schedule a free 15 minute phone consultation to discuss your concerns (or those of your 16 or 17 year old), click here.